‘Portfolios are everything, Promises are nothing. Do the work.’ 

This is a saying which magnificently goes well with designers, architects, and  3D Artists. A portfolio is a big cheese of your career and it’s always a work in progress. This is the Art of Putting together a successful deal clincher portfolio. Having a powerful portfolio can make you a toast of the town and add a feather to your cap.

A portfolio is a portrait of your personality which means that it reflects you as a person, as a professional, your way of working, your aesthetics. Your work is the Spotlight! And you are its Master. 

A portfolio is an assemblage of your skills, accomplishments, your projects, experiences, and attributes. It comprises aspects that are crucial in your career and which can give you an edge over others. It also could be the key to your dream job! 

With all this being said we can safely say that building or not building a portfolio is an option, It’s the Necessity, The head honcho for all the creative professionals. With the increase in online presence, it goes without saying that having a portfolio that you can showcase online is all the more important. Platforms like Dzylo have made things easy for 3D Artists like you. Having an online display of work at Dzylo allows you to have real industry professionals look into your work and give valuable feedback.

At Dzylo, after making a portfolio, you will have clients looking into your work which makes a room for recognition and even potential future projects. So, here we are with our tips and tricks for you to ace in the art of making a successful portfolio.

1. Give thought to Perception! 

Your portfolio speaks volumes about your personality. It should be well perceived by anyone who’s looking at it. We recommend our Artists give a thought about how they want to be understood or interpreted by their recruiters or clients. It means, there must be something that describes and should be reflected in your work. For example, If a person likes to render landscapes and surroundings, then that should be visible through his/her work. If they have multiple skills they want to portray, they should be able to sophistically portray those through their portfolio. 

2. Choose your best! 

Not everything you do might make it to the front page of your portfolio, it’s that ONE Project which you know was your best and you would want people to look at. It’s always the Quality over Quantity that wins the game. Sometimes what you work on might not result in a way that speaks your skills, maybe you tried more and you achieved better results by doing something in the second attempt. In that case, it becomes important for us to know what to keep on the table and whatnot. The filtering may come with its toils but it’s worth it because at the end you will see your portfolio as a collection of what’s your best.

3. Shine through your Strengths! 

It’s about what you’re best at, what you enjoy doing the most. Do what you love and you’ll always love what you do. A creative profession demands your heart and soul and that is achievable if you love what you’re doing. You’re highly motivated to do a job because if it is something that you love doing then it becomes doesn’t seem like a task anymore. 

4. Keep it Straight forward

Everyone will tell you what to do for your portfolio, what No one will tell you is, Keep it short and crisp. Recruiters or anyone going through your portfolio will not be scrolling it entirely until they found something really interesting to dig into. Your portfolio should be straightforward and crisp, leaving no scope for people turning pages without stopping and looking at your work.

5. Keep it Versatile

It’s always good to have a variety in your work, show them your interests, your skills,

What you do other than your work, your accomplishments. All this tells about your personality. Even your experiences! They would want to know what were your intakes when you worked on a particular project, your learning, or even your mistakes which you grew out of. If you sketch an idea before working on a project, save it. That sketch is a stepping stone of what you achieve later. If you are a 3D artist who also likes to draft plans and sketches then keep the work you did, It’s all going to make for a powerful portfolio.

6. Keep Updating and Revisiting your portfolio!

There’s never really a portfolio that once created is always going to be the same. You keep updating it as you climb your ladder up. One must get into the habit of documenting your work. You must always keep records and track your progress so that keeping your recent work-ready becomes easy. 

That way, clients can see your progress as well, your up-leveling with the skill set. Regularly updating your work also reflects your professionalism and gives you higher chances of getting precisely perceived by the recruiters. 

7. Share your Portfolio!

It may sound uncommon but constructive feedback can help you improve your portfolio a lot! You should always share your portfolio on all Social Media Platforms possible because it boosts up your confidence every time someone appreciates your work, praise it, share it, or even suggest you. Sharing with your mentors can always get you constructive feedback because they will know the best of you, which always makes for a good game. 

In conclusion

Now that you got insights into the art of creating a great portfolio and how to master it. It’s time for you to make one and get started with it but it’s always advisable to not get carried away with it, you can revisit your work anytime you like. But remember not to overdo it. 

With Platforms like Dzylo, you can always get professional advice on your portfolio and recommendations for building one. There’s an ocean of inspiration that you can find by looking at the portfolios displayed on the website. There are endless possibilities of making the right portfolio and you can always find one by looking at what our 3D Artists offer.